
Showing posts from May, 2014

There's something good in everyday.

6th May; After rotting at home watching Anime for 2 days ever since my marketing paper I finally moved my ass out to breathe in some fresh oxygen out there. :,) Of which first started with a lovely long night with wwt popping by Sk swimming complex. It's been real long since I last swam and going around playing slides, albeit that it's not as mass scale as adventure cove I still enjoyed it as much. Probably thanks to a great company teehee. We had a quick but bloated meal at Padington House of Pancakes, however 25 minutes is all we have got to gobble down the food, well that's what u get for entering a restaurant 45min before it closes. Sigh and a meal rushed through doesn't taste half as nice. But to be fair I was surprised at the huge lump of salmon served that stuffed me full.  Lemme give the photo credit to wwt cause after a year or so I still haven't pick up the trend of snapping these so called Foodporn photos, for I feel that it's becomin...

1068th; 生如夏花

五月三日,看似反复无常的一天。 在搁下卷纸起身的那一刻,我的第一年大学生涯也随之画上了终止符。心情么,不痛不痒,没有任何所谓的‘身心感到无比的释放’。顶着头顶上的艳阳把自己拖回家后,开始了‘我就是个废人’的生活-无非就是瘫痪在床上看动画,挪一挪手指,甩一甩头。再来之后假期的打算么,去清迈做做义工;和小姨一家老小去马来西亚兜兜风;去曼谷度度假之外;还有决心要恶狠狠的存钱之外还没太多的安排~ 怎么说呐,一年貌似很久,但日子还是一天天的过来了,有种‘一步一脚印’的感觉。没有太多波折,日子时而充满了小惊喜与感动。以为自己考试后会有一肚子的感慨,但似乎太久太久没有打汉字的缘故,脑筋一时转不过来,怎么也不能把心里想表达的话演化成一串串文字。 哎。那么就随心所欲吧,在大学的第一年里,感悟最深的是明白了生命就是一连串的选择,许多时候我们可以选择抱怨和指责;也可以选择努力经营和付出。而不论我们选择了什么,就会经历什么,朋友也好,学业也好,活动也好,人生必须由自己的选择而决定。这一年里开阔了自己的视野,见识了许多才华横溢的人,在赞赏与羡慕他人的同时,明白了自己的平凡与平庸归因于一个字-怕。怕自己不够称职,怕得到的会失去,怕跌倒后再也起不来,在怕中畏首畏尾而囊足不前。而自己的人生就像一条路,每走一步就会有一步的景观。用勇气向前迈出,才有机会得到。华丽的跌倒总胜过无谓的徘徊~