
Showing posts from November, 2008

life is HAHAHA.

back use comp :] ysd licia good lah play audi got bug dhen earn den lyk nothing can! so good lorh, whereas i'm sitting infront of de table doing hw D: THIS IS UNFIAR! lols; anw ysd after tat go sch buy books saw derh NCCs break camp; all botaks , soooo funny larh! :D okie i shall not laugh, HEHEHE; dhen after tat go bubble tea shop ._. dhen homed, den go dig out my tuition hw went to library & do, ofcos gummy bear sway sway must help me do compre :] dhen anw after tat back home larhs, my mother com lecture me again. wadeva! :D just finsih tuition, hohos! :D & dhen my god di com my hosue again ._. sala! dhen wan play games D: roars, i shall scam him go play audi! :] hehe so evil kind of mee!

back :]

sala! i wl have lots to say :] its been 5 days since i last bogged, & 5 days i'm away form home :D i would lyk to dedicate a long long post so i'm going to tok day-by-day :D monday; 2411 met chad at tenah merah mrt at about 2 liddat, den go to tampines w8 for de others :D dhen blah blah, anw de most sentence i heard is lyk chad ur galfren uh? ._. LOL, den after tat all took 29 to changi village there. settled de stuffs etc, den im in chalet 4 he is in 3 :X dhen obviously, de camp start wiv ice breaker , okie evy cmap does tat, quite fun :D :D :D dhen de day past super duper fast luhhs, after tat dhen dinner liao, den worship& nite session ._. dhen after tat is lights off free tym for us liao :D so went to chad de room play poker wiv, uh let me see. chad.风扇.banana man.gummy bear.mushroom.marcus.matthew.p6 kid.jeff.风扇de sis.etc. now shall intro there names :D fers fang shan is cos his name is feng chan so jus 风扇 lorh :] dhen banana man is cos he is alys snataching de b...
im off for camp chalet. officially, in about 5 min's tym :] bless me luck, let me go sch on sat to buy rubbish books
emptiness is killing me, and still deciding ): okie i admit, im scared, veri much. so i'm planning for de worst yet hoping for de best. wish me luck please (:
cope from zd de blog hu cope from 940 de blog hu cope from huixian de blog 1. The rules of the game gets posted at the beginning. 2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog. Starting Time : 1.18pm Name : JUNTING :] Sisters : i think got one if my step mother's daughter is considered. Brothers : 1 think got two. if not got one. Shoe size : er 7 or 7.5 different de ._. Height : 164cm bah, or maybe 1cm taller :D Where do you live : bedok :X Favourite Drink : green tea :] Favourite breakfast : usualy lazy eat unless in sch wiv licia @ canteen :D Have you ever: Been on a plane : ofcos if not i swim to sg meh ._. Swam in a ocean : ocean ocean ._. no Fallen asleep at school : yesh forced by pat wong, lesson's unbelievably boring. Broken Someone's heart : er i think so. ...
sala! im back. ysd seriously 豁出去了 LOL so dots anw. wad am i doing i think i noe wad am i doing but i duno if i should be doing. wad toking me? -.- nvm :] eh don worry peepo im not emo after all, i dont belong to de emo species haha :D jus ate my veir own chao da egg wiv shell in it & salty black rice soak in soy sauce im glad its fully cooked, in fact u can see its overcooked ._. lol tmr i will be off for church camp, den uhmm followed by. somthing. somthing tat i think its neccesary for me to noe. somthing tat i might not wan to accept de fact but yet i have to find out. tis is ultra dots & btw im learning how to play dota . yesh tat dumbest toopidest game tat i had mentioned so many tyms, de one tat i always describe it wiv de F fish, flower, flight word (: sala! i duno y am i start to use tis word budden it jus suddenly bcm a habit of mine. u noe de worst thing is not it happened, is de fact tat u r such person. it definitely hurts
aye licia u noe wad? i miss tis two little freaks
kay im back. back home & back to normal . lols, i duno is it de best solusion budden i choose it, its my choice. i will face every consequence tat comes after it. sala, main point. i am alright again
ALALALA FUCK IT I'm still damn ..ROAR how de fuck am i suppose to describe my feeling not happy not excited not sad not moody not angry well i just think of maybe annoyed ? tis is so damn irritating and I'm seriously not going to let it stay tis a way i wanted to smile budden cant bring myself up. i wanted to cry budden there is no tears in my eye. i wanted to scream budden suddenly lost of strength. i wanted to be lyk normal budden cant stop thinking. fuck! tis is seriously ridiculous and dumb. i must have take it too serious when it is not at all. darn it 胡思乱想 -.- tis will ruin it all.
somthing ridiculous happened for de fers tym ysd. dots. i feel so lyk tell somone abt it budden yet don wan to let anyone noe, i noe im contradicting myself budden tat's seriously how i feel. nvm tis is retarded today will be stoning at home i guess, even though de weather is good. unexpected. i'm still thinking abt it even though i don wan to bring tat up again. tis is human's nature. ala orh ya im freed to use comp from today onwards. don matter much anw, sayo. & oya learn from duno is mogu or jo or mandy { i c u c i c u }
suddenly rmebr got such photos exsiting :]
blogskin changed due to got nothing better to do tat's dumb i noe, dhen changed blogsong :] rmber tat last tym qingying used it before :D shall recall all things happened :X too much & thus too lazy to say. im going sec 3 eh? tat's so bloody old can! D: i don wan lah! LOL, okie tis is life,life is unfair i noe :X BUT! but but but but i sitll don wan get so old lorh -.- anw next mon to thur i'll be goin for church camp wiv milo,uhber? :D ch U is so funny :D (okie im watching it now) so i shall BRB
COMP Harlow~ fers of all, im 偷偷 using it :X budden thou i wanted to use it sooooo much when i can ._. now when i finally can; i got nothign much to do -.- so contradicting lorh; anw ysd watched madagascar :D so funny. & abit touching; ofcos :] dhen shop-ed around amk not much things anw :D 2dya is de last trainign till 22dec MUAHAHAH :D super de tired loh :D
omgosh my dear blog im so sorry to let u died for so long :'( well i'm banned from using comp till next saturday so u should ti liang me, & anw sorrie peepo, short of tym to reply all of u derh tags D: forgive me pls & dhen anw okay ._. my life has been happy wiv milo :] yesh perfectly heipi & goin to watch madagascar on wed. dhen other den tat is due to i dint jog for two bloody weeks; & expected my dearest weight has go UP UP UP all de way to heaven -.- jus somtyms i will suddenly tot of zhutou den heart will tends to contract budden overall ask a simple qns to myself: are you happy now? my ans will stil be YES I AM ENJOYING LIFE :)


yesh peepo im at LAN again, tio scam by milo D: awwws, budden nvm ._. he's paying for mine comp waste his own munny ._. opps :X com to think of it, im still bored .__. there is seriosuly nothing much i can do wiv de comp duno yy last tym i always beg to use de comp -.- i must be mentally kee siao D: & physically controled by somone else. lol, oya shall tok about class combi; well, since they canceled off de c lit class, so im obviously dropped to B1 aka 3H there is no much peepo i noe frankly speaking. tat dont reali matters la, i jus stil duno am i better at phys/bio. LMAO so dumb can sitting beside or rather in between 4 dota-er. jus be veir random i too long no cca liao feel as if there is no more cca sia .__. opps; so today go home must dig out de paper of de cca dates. i feel so sleepy can w8-ing for de bloody patch for maple&audi Flower lah! D:


bac home after quite a tiring day :] as said b4, had flag day today. den after tat meet up wiv tofu&milo wiv lica :D walked here & there & here & there den still cant find place to eat, LMAO! :X in e end settled at kfc ._. den licia went home after tat, my feeling kena scamed & tio dragged to lan. spend de bloody 3 hrs there. den after tat walked to plaza sing, eat mac for dinner ._. okie jus a green tea luhs :] played cheat & black jack as usual, till lyk 9 liddat den go back liao, im a guai kia after all :) LOL! i loveeeeeeeeee my chad! :D


wad is damn bored? ._. tis is damn bored ._. ROARS; y de hell am i lyk sitting in between milo&tofu in de lan, when two of them playing bloody dota kns! D: shouldnt so good com to lan sia -.- haiis i too kind then liddat ._. anw 2day had flag day, duno y sway sway kena de so isolated de clake quay i think me & licia got de LEAST munny lah ._. oppps cant blame us; we tired OUR BEST liao :D dota is so dumb.dota is damn dumb.dota is de dumbest!
briefly tok abt it den; while dl-ing audi & tat tofu de 2nd keep saying my post here typo there typo :] fersly, I LOVE MY CHIHWAWAs de camp is well, to use a word to describe it, instead of fun, tiring, togetherness i tot of weird LOL, its de weirdest camp i've attended budden i super duper fall in love wiv it :D :D :D & emergency i heard tat de piece of tofu is doing somthing to my tag! D: IM HERE TO RESCUE U! DEAR! :]


i got too much to say; bloody hell. budden now i jus feel lyk blih blih blah blah & post over. cos its too much to say tat i duno where to start ._. ahem* tis is my choice :D

tag replies

Sherrie ! Classes come out le leys ! Stop MIA-ing ! D: IM COMING! licia oo zhuzhu :) LES muhahahaha WAD?! not me! Jacinth Yo JUNTING. I CAN SEE THE POST DEDICATED TO ME! YAY THANKS. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOL! UR SKIN IS NIVER! DONT LYK U LAH! ANW THANKS! ZIXING;D iyo junting ah. so long never update worh. comp comp comp... spoil D: kelvin post* haiis duno how speel simple eng, kay la u order ur POT ba kelvin spamspamspamspam.LOL.i order a pot to credit my efforts to help u! XD LOL! no NEED! thx leh licia LOL hais ppl BZ DOING SOMETHING NOW LO NO TIME GO BLOG LIAO AYE THANKS LEH ming ming is my comp spoil lo {♥} Sherrie ! Update leys ! COMP SPOIL MAH! D: huihan oh and can link me if you want :D another link okay (: huihan yo buddy xD chihwawa! and ask zixing whether she remembers me :D yo kay kay :D u can go her blog de mah :D kelvin can i spam?LOL.liink mii pls=X uhna so many relink link thanks lehhh RachelYong Hey girl! Evo camp was fun I heard. Hope you enjoyed. :...